Knowledge is Power: Empowering Magento Merchants

November 16, 2015 by Paul Byrne

eCommerce Technology
magento products
online store
product types

We here at Razoyo believe in empowering Magento merchants. To do this, we place a lot of importance on education. With that in mind,  our clients can rest assured we will inform and educate them about Magento during their time with us. After all, we value the relationships we build with our clients. In order to strengthen these relationships, we make having well-informed, knowledgeable clients a key part of our business.

To aid us in this goal, we created some infographics to help you understand how Magento works, along with some explanations for each.

Magento Product Types


Magento has five different product types: simple, configurable, bundle, group, virtual, and downloadable.

simple product is a physical, tangible, product with only one option. In other words, it doesn’t come in multiple colors, sizes, etc.

The term “configurable products” describes products that have options for things like color and size.

bundle is a type of product that is made up of other products. Think of a computer where you can pick the processor, hard drive, etc.

grouped product contains products with related attributes that sell on one product page (example: furniture sets).

Virtual products are simply virtual. There are no downloads for these. They include things like services and subscriptions.

Finally, there are downloads. These are products that you can download such as Mp3’s or PDFs.

Magento Extensions

Magento Extensions

Magento is an open-source platform, meaning there are many extensions to pick from. They serve a variety of purposes for everything from marketing, shipping, reporting, payment, and administrative tasks. These all come together under the Magento platform to create a powerful eCommerce tool.

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